Berklee Online – Term 10

This was really a good term for me, which is pretty remarkable given the fact that I really didn’t enjoy the previous term and that I doubled the number of classes taken.

This time around I took Contemporary Techniques in Music Composition 2, Ear Training for Live Performance, Introduction to College Writing, and Songwriting for Film and TV.

Each course was very challenging, yet rewarding, in their own ways. I will go into detail on each class in separate posts.

Thanks for another great term, Berklee!

Introduction to College Writing

I took Introduction to College Writing as part of the general education requirements for the degree program that I am in. Overall, I thought the course was really well done, with useful and helpful information.

I particularly liked how each week built on the previous. Instead of trying to cover a big topic in one week’s lesson it was spread over 2-4 weeks. I also thought the instructor did a good job, often providing meaningful and timely feedback.

Here’s what was covered during the twelve weeks.

Week 1 – “Getting Started/The Basics”, Apr 2 – Apr 8
Introduction, Meet and Greet, Writing and Speaking in Different Contexts, Words That Are Commonly Confused, Discussion 1.1: “Everyday I Write the Book” and “Everyday” Lyrics, Workshop: Commonly Confused Words, Editing Commonly Confused Words, Workshop: Proofreading, Writing a Basic Letter, Basic Letter Example, Workshop: Basic Letter Practice, Workshop: Week 1 Terms, Guidelines for Assignment Posts, Assignment 1: Letter Introduction, Recap

Week 2 – “Writing Contexts”, Apr 9th – Apr 15th
Introduction, Understanding Different Rhetorical Contexts, The Five Components of “Clueless”, Discussion 2.1: “Clueless” Analysis, Applying These Rhetorical Elements to Written Texts, Discussion 2.2: Taylor Swift Letter, Generating Ideas, Exercise: Letter Response, Understanding the Components of a Sentence, Practice Exercise: Sentence Completion, Organizing and Drafting a Response, Practice Exercise: Outlining Your Letter, Workshop: Week 2 Terms, Assignment 2: Letter Response, Recap

Week 3 – “Recording and Developing Ideas”, Apr 16th – Apr 22nd
Introduction, Recording Ideas, Discussion 3.1: Recording Your Ideas, Diaries, Anne Frank’s Diary, Discussion 3.2: Journal or Diary, Workshop: Start a Journal or Diary, Concision vs. Lengthiness, Exercise: Diary Excerpts, Understanding Commas, Quiz 3.1: Using Commas, Understanding Verbs and Subject-Verb Agreement, Workshop: Verb Practice, Workshop: Week 3 Terms, Assignment 3: Letter Response Writing, Recap

Week 4 – “Exploring Personal Narratives”, Apr 23rd – Apr 29th
Introduction, Key Elements of a Personal Narrative, Workshop: Starting Your Journal, Analyzing a Personal Narrative, Darryl McDaniels Interview, Discussion 4.1: DMC’s Story, Understanding Pronouns, Pronoun Challenges, Workshop: Pronouns, Grammatical Tools to Best Express Ideas, Workshop: Using Pronouns, Coordination and Subordination, Workshop: Coordination and Subordination, Workshop: Week 4 Terms, Assignment 4: “Moth” Story Hour Assessment, Recap

Week 5 – “Writing a Personal Narrative”, Apr 30th – May 6th
Introduction, Opening Sentences, Survey: Opening Lines in Films, Organizing a Personal Narrative, Basic Narrative Structure, Exercise 5.1: Journal Excerpt for Personal Narrative, Developing Paragraphs, “This Is How Music Can Change Your Brain”, Exercise 5.2: Personal Narrative, Opening Paragraph, Connecting Paragraphs, Workshop: Article Analysis, Choosing the Right Words, Figurative Language, Discussion 5.1: Favorite English Idioms, Workshop: Week 5 Terms, Assignment 5: Personal Narrative, Recap

Week 6 – “Talking about Literature”, May 7th – May 13th
Introduction, Literary Vocabulary, Exercise 6.1: Literary Devices of “Believer”, Editing Sentences, Workshop: Fixing Faulty Lyrics, Reading a Text, Quiz 6.1: First-, Second-, or Third-Person Narrators, Analyzing a Text, Analysis and Structure of “Skin”, Discussion 6.1: BBC Story and “Skin”, Analyzing Literature Interview with Michelle Sterling, Discussion 6.2: Creative Non-fiction, Workshop: Week 6 Terms, Assignment 6: Personal Narrative Analysis, Recap

Week 7 – “Thesis Statements”, May 14th – May 20th
Introduction, What Is a Thesis?, Quiz 7.1: Thesis Statements, Analyzing a Text, Structure of “The Last Leaf”, Discussion 7.1: Literary Techniques of O. Henry, Analyzing Literature Interview with Victoria Large, Quiz: Victoria Large Interview, Developing a Thesis Statement, Exercise: Create a Thesis Statement, Writing a Literary Analysis, Workshop: Week 7 Terms, Assignment 7: Thesis Statement and Outline, Recap

Week 8 – “Exploring Poetry”, May 21st – May 27th
Introduction, Poetry, Quiz 8.1: Poetic Terms, Analyzing Poems in Verse, Poem Structure, Workshop: Stanza Analysis, Analyzing Poems in Verse, Part 2, “Caged Bird” Analysis, Word Choice, Discussion 8.1: “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes, Poetry Writing Interview with Beth Platow, Workshop: Poem Types and Visual Presentation, Quoting, Inserting a Quote into Your Work, Parenthetical Citations, Workshop: Quoting Practice, Workshop: Week 8 Terms, Assignment 8: Thesis Outline to Essay, Recap

Week 9 – “Making an Argument”, May 28th – Jun 3rd
Introduction, Elements of Argumentation, Workshop: Ella Fitzgerald Radio Story Analysis, Analyzing a Text for Argumentation, Analyzing a Text for Counter-Arguments, Discussion 9.1: College Scorecard Article, Finding Sources, Quiz: Source Evaluation, Applying the Concepts, Analysis through the C.R.A.P. Test, Discussion 9.2: College Scorecard Analysis, Workshop: Week 9 Terms, Assignment 9: Thesis Essay Versions, Recap

Week 10 – “Finding and Documenting Sources”, Jun 4th – Jun 10th
Introduction, Finding Sources Part 1: Keywords, Maximize Your Search, Discussion 10.1: Web Searches, Finding Sources Part 2: Databases, Workshop: Searching the Databases, Style Guidelines, Practice Exercise: Cite the Article Practice, The Chicago Manual of Style, Quiz 10.1: The Chicago Manual of Style, Workshop: Week 10 Terms, Assignment 10: Studying Music or the Arts Essay, Recap

Week 11 – “Other Texts: The Critique”, Jun 11th – Jun 17th
Introduction, Art Criticism, Review Example: Forrest Gump, Discussion 11.1: Movie Review, Paraphrasing, Paraphrasing Examples, Workshop: Paraphrasing Practice, Critiquing a Recorded Cultural Product, Writing Your Critique, Wonder Woman Critique Example, Exercise 11.1: Movie Review Summarization, Critiquing a Live Cultural Event, Observation, Rolling Stone Review, Workshop: Recent Experience Review, Critiques Interview with Rob Hochschild, Workshop: Week 11 Terms, Assignment 11: Revised Thesis Statement and Final Essay First Paragraph, Recap

Week 12 – “Other Texts: Proposals and Reports”, Jun 18th – Jun 24th
Introduction, The Proposal, Proposal Plan, Clear and Persuasive Text, Review Carefully, Exercise: The Proposal Review, Discussion 12.1: Project Need and Description, The Report, Quiz: Jazz Standard Workshop, The Abstract, The Abstract: Important Tips, Practice Exercise: Abstract Article on an Artist of Your Choice, Grant Proposals and Reports Interview with Danielle Parillo, Exercise: Future Projects Ideas, Bringing It All Together, Moving Forward, Discussion 12.2: Writing Skills Self Reflection, Workshop: Week 12 Terms, Assignment 12: Final Essay, Recap