New Song “The Dentist”

One of my goals for this year was to write more songs. More specifically a whole album’s worth of new material. Well the year is almost half over and I don’t have much in the way of new material. So I decided that instead of waiting for the songs to magically happen, I would try an experiment to see if I could be a bit more methodical about it.

Here’s the recipe. I picked “A” for the key, “Harmonic Minor” for the scale, found the chords in the scale here, started fooling around with chord progressions and inversions, came up with lyrics using random cards I picked from this cool game called “The Storymatic” and a couple hours later had a new song:


The Dentist Lyrics 2

Live on KKUP

Had a great time performing on David Stafford’s “Friday Folkoff” show on KKUP 91.5. Thanks again to David and Michael Berry for being so cool.

If you aren’t already, become a member of KKUP (I did). It’s super a cool thing that they are doing. It’s all volunteer based and the station costs are covered 100% by listener support.

If you weren’t able to catch the show on the radio you can listen to it on Soundcloud.

KKUP Flyer

Acoustic Pedalboard 3.0!

Over the years I’ve used various combinations of effects pedals both live and in the studio. This is the latest incarnation of my “acoustic pedalboard” (although I’ve been using it with my electric guitars lately). It’s a project that I started last year and just put the final tweaks on it last week. I’m really happy with how it turned out. Great sounds, super clean and really versatile. I’m planning on using it live for the first time later this week.



Next Friday (2/21) @ 4pm I’ll be playing live on KKUP 91.5 FM. It’s a really cool local radio station that I’ve been wanting to play on for a while now. I’m looking forward to doing the show and hope you can check it out!