Music sketch #7 “revisited” with new audio mix and visuals.
Idea for the sketch happened while studying C Harmonic Major Mode 3 (Phrygian b4).
Photo taken in San Jose, CA.
Music sketch #7 “revisited” with new audio mix and visuals.
Idea for the sketch happened while studying C Harmonic Major Mode 3 (Phrygian b4).
Photo taken in San Jose, CA.
Another “revisitated” music sketch with new audio mix and visuals. This time it’s Music Sketch #6 “High Noon”.
Photo taken while visiting Beijing, China.
Music sketch #5 “revisited” with new audio mix and visuals.
Photo taken while visiting Koyasan, Japan.
Here’s another “revisited” music sketch (new audio mix and visuals). This time it’s Music Sketch #4 “Till We Meet Again”.
Photo taken while visiting Tokyo, Japan a couple years ago.
New audio mix and visuals for the Music Sketch #2, “Drift”.
I thought it might be cool to take what I’ve been learning about compression and EQ and practice with previous music sketches. I decided to start with the very first music sketch that I posted, “Vancouver”. It now feels like a completely new song to me.
In fairness, the original focus of the Music Sketches project was to create simple new song ideas, quickly. That being said it inspires me to know that I can take old ideas and make them feel new again.
To celebrate the new audio mix I did a video with new visuals as well.
Here’s the original:
Here’s the “revisited” version:
Music Sketch of a song idea that popped into my head a couple days ago. Photo taken while visiting Paris, France.
Music Sketch #59 is dedicated to all that we have known and loved.
MusicSketch of a song idea I came up with during my studies the other day.
Photo taken by my wife Rachel during our honeymoon in Tahiti.
MusicSketch of a song idea I had kicking around for a little while and finally decided to do something with it last night. Got to use some of the stuff I learned in the Compression and EQ classes as well as some of the new plugins in Logic 10.4.
Photo taken while driving through Nevada on I80.