
My Music

You can find my music on iTunesAmazon & CDBaby

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Find live performances on my YouTube channel.
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People That I Admire

hristo vitchev promoHristo Vitchev

Amazing musician, guitarist and composer who I’ve had the great fortune to study with over the past couple of years. Be sure to check him out @

kenny-B3PKenny Schick

Phenomenal producer, musician and photographer who made my most recent album “Open” sound and look so great. Just a matter of time until the secret is out on this guy. You can find him at


photoRachel Chang

My “live-in personal photographer” who always gives me a great deal on my photos and is also the person that I adore. You can find her work at


saffronOlga Volchkova

Astounding artist and old friend who does world class work in a variety of mediums and styles. You can see samples of her work at